Maine State Music Theater: A Spectacular Showcase of Musical Theatre Brilliance

The Maine State Music Theater is a must-see attraction for anyone who loves musical theatre. Situated in beautiful Brunswick, Maine, this theater delivers an unforgettable experience that no music lover should miss. With a reputation for producing high-quality productions that capture the essence of Broadway, the Maine State Music Theater is an exquisite showcase of musical theatre brilliance.From the moment you enter the theater, you'll be swept away by the stunning sets, dazzling costumes, and superb performances. Whether you’re a fan of classic shows like My Fair Lady and West Side Story, or contemporary favorites like Hairspray and The Addams Family, there’s something for everyone at the Maine State Music Theater.With its outstanding cast of actors, singers, and dancers, the Maine State Music Theater delivers performances that are nothing short of spectacular. From the opening number to the final notes, the energy and enthusiasm of the cast is contagious, and you can’t help but get caught up in the excitement. So if you're looking for a truly unforgettable evening of entertainment, don't miss the opportunity to see a performance at the Maine State Music Theater. Trust us, you won't regret it!

Comparison Blog Article: Maine State Music Theater

Maine State Music Theater is a professional musical theater company based in Brunswick, Maine. Since its establishment in 1959, the company has been entertaining audiences with its incredible showcase of musical theatre brilliance. If you are a lover of theater, then you must know about this place. Let's compare the experience of watching a show at Maine State Music Theater with other famous theaters.

Location and Accessibility

When it comes to location, Maine State Music Theater has an edge over many other theaters. Being located in Brunswick, it gives easy accessibility to all the nearby cities. The theater is situated in a beautiful spot, surrounded by greenery and scenic beauty - it adds to the overall experience of the night. However, considering only the accessibility factor, Maine State Music Theater stands par with other theaters.

Seating Arrangement

The seating arrangement at Maine State Music Theater can be considered luxurious in comparison to other theaters. The seats are comfortable, spacious, and provide excellent viewing angles. With the addition of new seating systems, it has become even more comfortable. While other theaters' seating arrangement depends on how the seating system was constructed or maintained.

Variety of Shows

Maine State Music Theater offers a wide range of shows, well-balanced between old and new hits. From Broadway classics to modern hits, you get to see an assortment of shows every season. While many other theaters have a theme-oriented season, Maine State brings variety to the plate, which enhances the characteristic of this place.

Performers and Crew Members

Maine State Music Theater is known for its talented cast members and crew. The performers are handpicked from all around the country, making sure that the show depicts perfection. The crew members are also professional and always on their feet to make the show successful. While other theaters always try to bring the best performers, there's always a chance that one wouldn't get the best show due to the lack of talent being presented.

Sound and Lighting

The sound and lighting at Maine State Music Theater is incredible. The sound clarity and level are on point, while the lighting system adds to the feel and captures the mood of the scenes. However, as expected, other theaters have also had significant investments in sound and light systems enhancing the effect on music and drama.

Audience Activity

Maine State likes to involve the audience in some parts of their shows, making the crowd more involved and enthusiastic. Audience participation is also a huge part of their annual shows; they frequently engage in activities such as audience sing-a-longs, dance parties, and costume parades. You don't always find such levels of enthusiasm and excitement in many other theaters.

Cost of Tickets

Maine State Music Theater's ticket pricing is on the higher side as compared to many other community theatres, but it's worth the cost considering the quality of the production. As opposed to many other theatres ticket pricing which also depends on the quality of the show they present, the cost at Maine State would not necessarily fluctuate depending on the show.

Food and Beverages

The food and beverage options at Maine State are mostly snacks and drinks, however serves the need to satisfy your appetite before or after the show. However, other theaters may offer much more variety in terms of food and beverages.

Ease of Booking

Maine State has made it possible for customers to book tickets online, through phone calls or visiting their box office, making the process convenient and hassle-free for their customers. It's an easy and simple process to book tickets at Maine State. Though quite a few theatres have now eased the booking process, some still require personal visits, which might not be convenient.

Overall Experience

The overall experience of watching a show at Maine State Music Theater is unparalleled. From the comfortable seats to talented casts and crew, everything is flawless. The unique features like audience participation and involvement enhance the experience furthermore, making it a remarkable show to remember.


If you're looking for a musical theater company where you can watch dazzling performances, then Maine State Music Theater should be on top of your list. While other theaters are also offering great quality shows, Maine State Music Theater surely has its uniqueness added to its name.

Location and Accessibility- Beautiful Scenic Location
- Easy Accessibility
- Location A Little Far For Some
Seating Arrangement- Comfortable Seats
- Spacious
- Good Viewing Angle
Variety of Shows- Mix OF Old And New ShowsShows Availability May Fall Short Sometimes
Performers and Crew Members- Talented Cast Members and Crew
- Professionals
Sound and Lighting- Excellent Sound Clarity
- Proper Lighting Systems
Other Theatres May Also Invest In These Aspects
Audience Activity- Involve Audience
- Enthusiastic Participation
Cost of Tickets- Worth Cost Based On The Quality Of Production- Higher Priced Than Many Community Theatres
Food and Beverages- Satisfy Appetite Needs- Minimal Variety
Ease of Booking- Online Bookings Available
- Visiting The Box Office
- Through Phone Calls
Overall Experience- Flawless Experience
- Add-Ons Enhance the Feel

In conclusion, Maine State Music Theater deserves appreciation for its spectacular showcase of musical theatre brilliance. Getting an experience of watching a show here is something you won't forget and will always cherish.

Thank you for taking the time to read about the Maine State Music Theater. This wonderful establishment is a spectacular showcase of musical theater brilliance that offers something for everyone.

From Broadway hits to original productions, Maine State Music Theater is dedicated to enriching the cultural landscape of Maine by producing exceptional musical theater experiences. With shows that appeal to all ages, the theater provides a perfect opportunity to gather with friends and family for an unforgettable night of entertainment.

If you are visiting Maine or live locally, I highly recommend you check out the Maine State Music Theater. Prepare to be amazed and entertained by their talented actors, musicians, and dancers who put on incredible performances night after night. Whether you are a seasoned theatergoer or a first-time viewer, this theater promises to deliver a magical and memorable experience.

People Also Ask About Maine State Music Theater: A Spectacular Showcase of Musical Theatre Brilliance

  1. What is Maine State Music Theater?
  2. Maine State Music Theater (MSMT) is a non-profit organization that presents professional productions of Broadway musicals, as well as original and off-Broadway shows. It is located in Brunswick, Maine.

  3. What shows has MSMT produced?
  4. MSMT has produced a wide variety of shows over the years, including classics such as The Sound of Music, West Side Story, and My Fair Lady, as well as more recent hits like Mamma Mia! and Hamilton.

  5. Are the productions at MSMT of high quality?
  6. Yes, MSMT is known for producing high-quality shows that feature talented actors, singers, and dancers from around the country. The sets, costumes, and lighting are also top-notch, creating a truly immersive experience for audiences.

  7. Is MSMT only for adults?
  8. No, MSMT offers a variety of shows that are suitable for all ages, including family-friendly productions like Seussical and Beauty and the Beast.

  9. Can I buy tickets for MSMT online?
  10. Yes, you can purchase tickets for MSMT online through their website. You can also call their box office or visit in person to buy tickets.

  11. Does MSMT offer group discounts?
  12. Yes, MSMT offers discounts for groups of 10 or more people. Contact their group sales department for more information.

  13. Is MSMT accessible for people with disabilities?
  14. Yes, MSMT is committed to making their productions accessible to everyone. They offer wheelchair seating, assisted listening devices, and sign language interpretation upon request.

  15. Does MSMT offer educational programs?
  16. Yes, MSMT offers a variety of educational programs for students of all ages, including summer camps, workshops, and internships.

  17. What else is there to do in Brunswick, Maine?
  18. Brunswick is a charming town with plenty of things to see and do. You can explore the beautiful Bowdoin College campus, visit the Maine Maritime Museum, or go hiking in nearby parks and nature preserves.