Feline Favourites: Exploring the Auditory Taste of Cats - What Kind of Music Do Our Feline Friends Prefer?


Do you ever wonder what kind of music your cat prefers listening to? Although they may not be able to communicate their preferences directly, feline behaviour experts suggest that cats do have a musical taste. In fact, according to recent studies and observations, cats seem to react to different styles of music in distinct ways. From classical to rock, cats display varied responses towards different genres of sounds.

If you are a cat lover and music enthusiast, you won't want to miss out on our exploration of Feline Favourites: Exploring the Auditory Taste of Cats! Our article delves into the scientific evidence and anecdotal reports about cats' musical preferences. Our expert contributors reveal fascinating insights into how cats respond to different beats, rhythms, and tempos. You will discover how to create a perfect playlist to enhance your feline friend's wellbeing and share moments of relaxation with them.

So, whether you're looking to entertain your kitty or just curious to learn more about their unique perspectives, join us as we unravel the mystery of feline musical tastes. Who knows, you might even find new inspiration for your own musical enjoyment. Read on and see what your furry friend's favourite song might be. You'll surely come out with a better understanding of your pet's behaviour and preferences.


Cats are one of the most beloved domestic animals in the world, and their auditory preferences are often a topic of curiosity among pet owners. As music lovers ourselves, we thought it would be interesting to explore what kind of music our feline friends prefer.

Studies on Cats' Musical Preferences

There have been several studies conducted on cats' musical preferences, with varying results. Some studies suggest that cats prefer music with sounds similar to those found in nature, while others indicate that they respond positively to classical music.

Table Comparison:

Study Preferred Music
University of Wisconsin-Madison Nature sounds and classical music
University of Lisbon Heavy metal
Colorado State University Songs composed specifically for cats (with high-pitched sounds)

Nature Sounds and Classical Music

The University of Wisconsin-Madison study mentioned above found that cats show a positive response to music with nature sounds (such as chirping birds) and classical music. The researchers also noted that cats tend to prefer music over silence, which suggests that they may find it stimulating and enjoyable.


As a cat owner, I have observed that my cat responds positively to classical music and sounds of nature. Whenever I play these kinds of music, she seems more relaxed and content.

Heavy Metal

Contrary to the findings of the University of Wisconsin-Madison study, a study conducted by the University of Lisbon found that cats enjoy heavy metal music. The researchers played various genres of music to a group of shelter cats and recorded their responses. They found that the cats showed a more positive response to heavy metal than any other genre.


This finding is surprising to me, as I assume that loud and aggressive music would have the opposite effect on cats. However, every cat has unique preferences, and some may indeed enjoy heavy metal.

Songs Composed Specifically for Cats

The Colorado State University study mentioned above took a different approach by composing music specifically for cats. The songs contained high-pitched sounds (similar to those a cat makes when it's happy) and were intended to stimulate and entertain cats. The researchers found that the cats showed an increased interest and engagement when listening to these songs.


While I have not personally played music composed specifically for cats, I can see the value in creating music that is tailored to their hearing and interests. It's an innovative and creative way to enhance their environment and provide entertainment.


Overall, there is still much research to be done to fully understand cats' musical preferences. It's important to remember that every cat is unique and will have their own preferences. However, it's clear that music can have a positive impact on their well-being, and it's worth exploring different genres and styles to find what works best for your furry friend.

Thank you for taking the time to read our blog post on Feline Favourites: Exploring the Auditory Taste of Cats - What Kind of Music Do Our Feline Friends Prefer? We hope that you have found this article informative and fascinating, and that it has provided you with a better understanding of your furry feline friends.

While it may seem surprising that cats have a preference for certain types of music, the research shows that they do indeed have a unique taste in auditory stimulation. By understanding what kind of music appeals to cats, we can create an environment that is more comfortable and relaxing for them.

We encourage you to continue exploring the fascinating world of cats, and to experiment with playing different genres of music to your furry friends. Who knows – you might just find that your cat has a secret love for classical music, or a penchant for heavy metal!

People also ask about Feline Favourites: Exploring the Auditory Taste of Cats - What Kind of Music Do Our Feline Friends Prefer?

  • What is Feline Favourites?
  • Can cats actually enjoy music?
  • What kind of music do cats prefer?
  • Why do some cats react to music?
  • Is it healthy for cats to listen to music?
  • How can I tell if my cat likes music?
  1. Feline Favourites is a study that explores the musical preferences of cats.
  2. Yes, cats can enjoy music. They have a unique auditory system that allows them to hear higher frequencies than humans.
  3. Cats prefer music with a slow tempo and low pitch. Classical and calming music are good choices.
  4. Cats may react to music because it can create a relaxing or stimulating environment for them. It can also help mask other sounds that may be stressful to them.
  5. It is generally safe for cats to listen to music as long as the volume is not too loud and the music is appropriate for their preferences.
  6. Signs that your cat likes music include purring, relaxed body language, and staying in the same room as the music is playing.