10 Creative Ways to Add Music to Your Instagram Stories


Are you tired of the same old Instagram Stories with no music? It's time to spice things up and add some musical flare to your Stories. Here are 10 creative ways to add music to your Instagram Stories and make them more engaging and entertaining. Keep reading to learn more!

First, use the built-in Instagram music feature to add popular songs to your Stories. With this feature, you can search for specific artists, genres, or mood-based playlists. Second, try recording your own vocals or music and adding them to your Stories using the music sticker. This is a great way to showcase your own original work and make your Stories truly unique.

If you're looking for a more interactive option, try using the question or poll sticker in conjunction with music. Ask your followers to suggest their favorite songs or have them vote on which song they prefer. This is a fun way to engage with your audience and get them involved in your content. Additionally, you could add a countdown sticker to let your followers know when a new album or song is dropping.

Lastly, don't forget about other platforms like TikTok or Spotify. Record a TikTok dance using your favorite song and add it to your Stories or share your favorite Spotify playlist with your followers. These are just a few of the many ways to incorporate music into your Instagram Stories to make them more interesting and engaging. Give it a try and see how your followers respond!


Are you tired of the same old Instagram Stories with no music? If so, it's time to spice things up and make your content more engaging and entertaining. Adding music to your Stories is a great way to elevate them, and there are plenty of creative ways to do it. In this article, we'll explore 10 ways to add music to your Instagram Stories and boost your engagement.

Using Instagram Music Feature

One of the easiest ways to add music to your Instagram Stories is by using the built-in music feature. This feature allows you to search for specific artists, genres, or mood-based playlists. Simply tap on the music sticker icon, search for the type of song you want to add, and choose from the available options. This is a great way to add popular songs to your Stories that your audience will enjoy.

Recording Your Own Vocals or Music

If you're a musician or singer looking to showcase your talent, you can use the music sticker to add your own original work to your Stories. With this feature, you can record your vocals or music and include them in your story. This is an excellent way to make your Stories unique and stand out from the crowd.

Asking for Song Suggestions or Polls

Engage with your followers by using the question or poll sticker in conjunction with music. Ask them to suggest their favorite songs or vote for their preferred song from a given list. This is not only fun but also an excellent way to get your followers involved in your content. You can then use this data to create more targeted content in the future.

Add Countdown Sticker to Alert About New Releases

If you're a musician releasing a new album or single, you can use the countdown sticker to let your followers know when to expect the release. This is a great way to build excitement around your upcoming music and get your followers hyped up about it.

Creating Playlists

Another way to incorporate music into your Stories is by creating playlists on platforms like Spotify or Apple Music. Share your favorite songs and artists with your followers so they can listen to your recommendations. You can also ask them for song suggestions and create playlists based on their responses.

Highlighting Concerts and Live Performances

If you're attending a concert or live performance, you can use Instagram Stories to highlight the experience. Share snippets of the performance and add music stickers to enhance the audio. This is an excellent way to keep your followers updated on your activities and interests.

Showcasing Brilliant Soundtracks

Brilliant soundtracks can elevate a movie or TV show to a whole new level. If you have a favorite soundtrack, share it with your followers on Instagram Stories. You can use the music sticker to add songs from the soundtrack and even tag the artists who created the music.

Behind the Scenes

Your followers love seeing behind the scenes footage of your life and work. If you're a musician or singer, take your followers behind the scenes of your recording sessions or rehearsals. You can include music stickers to give them a feel for the sound you're creating.

Collaborations with Other Musicians

If you're collaborating with other musicians on a project, showcase the process on Instagram Stories. Share clips of your jamming sessions or recording process and use music stickers to add personality to your Stories. This is a fun way to promote your work and build excitement around your upcoming releases.

Endless Possibilities

The possibilities for adding music to your Instagram Stories are endless. Get creative and experiment with different types of content to see what your audience responds to best. With these tips, you can make your Stories more engaging and enjoyable for your followers.


Adding music to your Instagram Stories is an excellent way to connect with your followers and showcase your personality. It also allows you to promote your work and build excitement around your upcoming releases. Whether you're a musician, music fan, or just looking to make your content more interesting, incorporating music into your Instagram Stories can take your content to the next level.

Table Comparison

Method Benefits Drawbacks
Using Instagram Music Feature Easy, convenient, and access to popular songs May not fit your music tastes or theme
Recording Your Own Vocals or Music Unique, personal, and showcases your talent Requires musical ability and equipment
Asking for Song Suggestions or Polls Engaging and interactive, helps create targeted content May not receive much engagement or participation
Add Countdown Sticker to Alert About New Releases Builds excitement and anticipation for upcoming releases May not apply if you're not a musician or releasing music
Creating Playlists Great way to share your musical tastes and get followers involved May not receive much engagement or participation
Highlighting Concerts and Live Performances Sharing your interests and activities with followers May not apply if you're not attending concerts or live performances
Showcasing Brilliant Soundtracks Shares a unique aspect of your personality or interests May not be relevant to everyone's interests
Behind the Scenes Offers a sneak peek into your creative process May not apply if you're not a music creator
Collaborations with Other Musicians Promotes your work and showcases your collaborations May not apply if you're not collaborating with other musicians
Endless Possibilities Allows for creativity and experimentation May not be successful in engaging your audience

Thank you for taking the time to read through our blog post on 10 Creative Ways to Add Music to Your Instagram Stories. We hope that these tips and tricks will help you add some extra flair to your posts and make them stand out from the crowd.

By using the various tools and features available on Instagram, such as the Music Sticker, Spotify integration, and third-party apps, you can enhance the storytelling aspect of your posts and really connect with your audience. Whether you're a musician, a social media influencer, or just looking to spice up your personal page, these creative ways to add music are sure to come in handy.

Don't be afraid to experiment and try out different music genres, styles, and sound effects to find what works best for you and your brand. And remember, adding music to your Instagram stories is not only fun and engaging, it also helps to establish an emotional connection with your followers and can ultimately lead to increased engagement and growth.

So go ahead, give it a try and let your creativity flow! And if you have any more tips or suggestions, feel free to leave a comment and share your thoughts with us.

People Also Ask About 10 Creative Ways to Add Music to Your Instagram Stories:

  1. How do I add music to my Instagram story?
  2. You can add music to your Instagram story by selecting the music icon from the sticker tray, choosing a song from the library, and customizing the clip with various features.

  3. Can I add my own music to Instagram story?
  4. Yes, you can add your own music to Instagram story by using third-party apps that allow you to upload your own songs and use them in your stories.

  5. What are some creative ways to use music in Instagram stories?
  6. Some creative ways to use music in Instagram stories include creating a soundtrack for your day, adding sound effects to enhance the visuals, using music to set the mood or tone of your story, and creating a playlist of songs that represent your brand or personality.

  7. How can I make my Instagram story more engaging with music?
  8. You can make your Instagram story more engaging with music by using it to add emotion, humor, or excitement to your content. You can also use music to create a sense of continuity between multiple stories, or to highlight important moments within a single story.

  9. What are some tips for choosing the right music for my Instagram story?
  10. Some tips for choosing the right music for your Instagram story include considering the mood or tone you want to convey, matching the style of the music to your branding or personal style, and using popular or recognizable songs to increase engagement.

  11. Can I use copyrighted music in my Instagram story?
  12. It is generally not recommended to use copyrighted music in your Instagram story without obtaining permission from the owner of the rights. However, Instagram does offer a library of licensed music that you can use without worry.

  13. How can I customize the appearance of the music sticker in my Instagram story?
  14. You can customize the appearance of the music sticker in your Instagram story by changing the color, size, and position of the sticker. You can also add text or other stickers to complement the music sticker.

  15. What are some other types of audio I can add to my Instagram story besides music?
  16. Some other types of audio you can add to your Instagram story besides music include sound effects, voiceovers, and ambient noise.

  17. How long can the music be in my Instagram story?
  18. The length of music you can add to your Instagram story depends on the length of the clip you choose from the music library. However, you can also use third-party apps to create longer clips or mix multiple songs together.

  19. Can I add music to my Instagram story after I've already posted it?
  20. No, you cannot add music to your Instagram story after it has been posted. If you want to add music, you will need to create a new story and include the music before posting it.